August 13, 2015 3 min read
Obstacle course racing, also known by the acronym OCR, involves any competition where challenges are placed along the competitors’ path. With events sprouting up across the country, obstacle course racing is becoming one of the fastest-growing sports in the U.S. These races are designed to be physically and mentally challenging, and test one’s strength, courage, and endurance. Many of the obstacles used for these events are inspired by those used in military training. Some popular obstacles include climbing up ropes, crawling in mud, and scaling walls.
Check out these tips for obstacle course racing from Zensah Athlete, Jeff Farmer.
5 Tips for Your Best Race
With over 5 years of experience in obstacle course racing, Jeff has competed with participants from all over the world, and finished 13th at the OCR World Championships in 2014. Here are his tips to conquer your next race:
5 Tips For Your Best Obstacle Course
Whatever you are wearing will get wet. The more you wear creates more weight. If you dress in layers, some items may never dry, and you will end up being colder.
A Note for OCR Newcomers
At some point prior to race day, put on all the gear you plan to wear. Then, hose yourself down or take a shower, and go run 3 to 4 miles. During the run, analyze your gear and make mental notes about comfort, whether it restricts movement, how quickly it dries, shoe weight, how well they drain, and note any blisters or chaffing. This will give you time to adjust if needed; you DON’T want to be figuring these things out during a race.
Ready for a challenge? Register for an obstacle course race near you!
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