March 11, 2022 3 min read
Many of us choose to start side businesses as a way to segue into full-time self-employment. Others to supplement a dwindling income or support a growing family. Whatever your reason, you will soon find that what you make in money, you lose in time. But, you have to take care of yourself, no matter how much you work.
Here are a few tips on how to treat yourself right as an employee and entrepreneur.
Get help.
Getting help is an obvious first place to start, but not everyone does. Even if you are a DIYer at heart, there are services that can help you get your business up and running without stretching you thin. An online formation service, for example, when you’re ready to register as an LLC. Not only is this cheaper than going to an attorney, you’ll already have access to local rules and regulations, and you may spend less time online getting it done than you would driving back and forth to your lawyer’s office.
Motivate yourself to exercise.
Even if you can only give up 15 or 20 minutes every day, do it. Exercise is so important for our minds and bodies, especially if your job and your side-gig involve sitting the vast majority of the time. Outfit yourself for exercise success by investing in sports bras and other workout apparel from Zensah. This will motivate you to get out from behind the computer and into the real world to move and sweat.
Sleep on a schedule.
You already tell the kids they have to go to bed on time so that they wake up refreshed and ready for school. Take your own advice. Set a sleep schedule that allows you to get at least seven hours every 24-hour cycle. Although it can be tempting to stay up late to work on your side projects, sleep deprivation is only going to slow you down. Sleeping is one of the best ways to fill your proverbial tank so that you can get started each morning with enthusiasm.
Stop and breathe.
Obviously, you have to breathe to live, but how often do you stop and focus on your breathing patterns throughout the day? Probably zero. But, now is the perfect time to start. You can meditate at your desk (even if your coworkers are watching) to give your mind a quick pick me up and to stay better in tune with how you’re feeling physically and mentally.
Enjoy each moment.
Mindset is all about redefining how we feel about the things that happen to us each day. To develop a positive attitude, Clarke University suggests taking pleasure in small things. This could be anything from having that perfect first sip of coffee to wearing fun socks while you work out. Pay attention to small victories, and the small setbacks won’t feel as damaging.
Understand your personality.
You’ve probably heard some people say that they can’t relax while others claim to need extensive time alone to function properly. Other people tend to thrive in a leadership position while their closest friends and family may be more at home listening to others. Take the time to get to know your personality so that you can recognize where you fall short and take steps to improve yourself. If you are a Type 8, for example, you might feel that you need to be in constant control. Realizing this about yourself will help you let go when it’s time to hire help for your growing business.
Taking time for yourself doesn’t necessarily mean going for massages or pedicures on a weekly basis. What it does mean is prioritizing self-care, no matter what that means to you. From getting help with your business to exercising and understanding your personality type, the quick tips above are just a start. Once you get going, you will no doubt find other ways to prioritize yourself so that you can build a better business.
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