April 10, 2014 3 min read
Tell us a little about yourself: Where do you live, train, etc?
I live in Dayton, Ohio and train in Vandalia, Ohio. We train six out of seven days a week. I am a freshman at Butler High School. I run track and cross country. Since our girls track and cross country teams are not very big or developed, I train and run with the varsity guys all the time. I am basically just accepted as one of the guys now. During track season, I run the mile, sometimes the 800, and occasionally the 400. My best distance would have to be the mile. This year I’m trying to break the five minute mark for the mile. I would have to say that I favor cross country over track. I have practically claimed orange as my color while running. I have bright orange everything. It is my “trademark” you could say. Everyone knows me by my neon orange calf sleeves.
How did you start running?
In sixth grade I ran a 5k for my middle school. I ended up placing maybe third or fourth in it over all with about twenty-one minutes for my time. The high school/middle school cross country coach came over and talked to me and my parents. He said that my time was very impressive for a sixth grader and that I should go out for cross country the next year to try it out. I was not exactly in agreement with that idea. I did not want to run one bit. I was a soccer player. My parents practically forced me to go to the first few practices. Eventually I started to talk to some people and make friends. I developed a relationship with running and I have ran track and cross country ever since.
What is your favorite distance? And season (indoor or outdoor) etc?
I would say my favorite distance would be the 5k (during cross country season). But, I’m probably best at the mile during track season. My favorite season is fall for sure. I love the weather. If I had a choice, it would be sixty degrees every day. I really love running trails. I would pick trails and distance runs over the track/roads any day.
What is your favorite Zensah gear?
Most definitely the compression leg sleeves! I couldn’t have finished my cross country or track seasons without them! They have had a major impact on my running. I may favor the calf sleeves, but everything else is great too!
Do you have a pre-race tradition that you and your teammates do?
I would actually say we do! The Friday before a Saturday meet, the guys and I do something called Pre-meet. Pre-meet is where we run the warm-up loop easy. The warm-up loop is a series of roads that we run through the neighborhood beside our high school. Also, if anyone happens to have a tennis ball, we play gutter ball in the middle of the street. Whoever kicks the ball in the sewer first is the winner. After all of the tension and heartbreak of the game, we go back to the turf and do some strides.
What does a typical day look like in your training?
In the Winter during indoor track we distance run 3 days and workout 3 days out at "Crossfit Dedication" a gym one of the coaches owns here in Vandalia, Ohio. During outdoor season we start out practice by running the warm-up loop, which is about a mile and a half. Then after that, we proceed to do dynamic stretching. After that, we do some strides and build-ups just to loosen up the tightness. Finally, we go over to our coach (his name is Whitey, NOT MR.WHITE!) and wait for him to tell us the workout for the day.
If you could have any super power what would it be?
There are so many good choices but I think I’d have to go with the ability to fly. I just think flying would feel so free. Not to mention how much faster the transportation would be.
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